Thank you from Pashiphae Concern

This is a short message from the project lead of THRESHOLDVN speaking for Pasiphae Concern.
We wanted to issue a thank you to everyone who tried our demo. This is a very niche passion project that we have wanted to do for some time.  To be perfectly frank, it will not likely find a large audience, so we are grateful for every bit of encouragement, interaction, and support we receive.

THRESHOLDVN will be an ongoing project with regular updates. It will likely be updated approximately every two months, but the schedule is not strict as we are aiming to make a quality story and experience. The game will be PWYW until there is a significant amount of content, at which point a price point will be set.

If you liked our demo, please share it with your friends or audience. More than making a profit, we simply want to share a story.
Thank you again from us at Pasiphae Concern 👁


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